‘Social, Local and Mobile’ Will Take Over the World: #MRMW

“Taking over the world” might sound overly dramatic, but actually it’s not that far-fetched when you really think about it. Considering the enormous development that ‘social’ has been going through doesn’t take a stretch of the imagination to think that technology will really move into this direction. Combine that with the fact that some countries are skipping ‘landlines’ altogether and are moving directly to mobile instead, and you have a very safe bet indeed. The main challenge will be to see how ‘Local’ will take shape. For marketers and market researchers alike the main focus should be both ‘contact’ and ‘conversion’. Both will probably want to take a look at what is required to actually measure these two items as well.

Thus, the developments in the fields of Social, Local and Mobile (SoLoMo) will present us with two main challenges:

  1. Contact: Where are the people I want to get in touch with, and how can I get them to talk to
  2. Conversion: How do I make sure I don’t bother people endlessly, but start a conversation at exactly the right moment?

This results in the now classic ‘big data’ discussion, being the discussion about analysis: “In what way do I make connections to use in research and in what way should I do research on all the data that I get from measuring the ‘two C’s’?”

At the ‘Market Research in the Mobile World’ event that is supported by a broad variety of international companies next month in Amsterdam, the complications and solutions to questions like these will be discussed. But what is it that we’re really talking about here? Read the complete article at Greenbookblog »