Hacking at Random 2009
It’s that time again; once every for years geeks from all over the globe come down to the Netherlands for
Verder lezenIt’s that time again; once every for years geeks from all over the globe come down to the Netherlands for
Verder lezenSome time ago I wrote about my model for success in Social Networks, and that it was in fact already
Verder lezenI already wrote about the KOPTE model, that defines 5 basic factors that are of influence the success of your
Verder lezenSo, let’s say you have started with “web 2.0” and the decision has been made to start with setting up
Verder lezenSomething different, perhaps, than the usual article you’ll find about Twitter. I may have a lot to add to any
Verder lezenEen onderzoekje doen lijkt heel makkelijk; een lijstje vragen kan iedereen opstellen, uitsturen en klaar! Gelukkig weten de meesten onder
Verder lezenEen aantal mooie artikelen vandaag weer op Bijgespijkerd. Waaronder dit artikel over “Transmedia Storytelling” van Sjef Kerkhofs. Hier legt hij
Verder lezenAs an appetizer for upcoming content and to let you know I’m still aware of my own blog, here is
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