Location-based review game
Now that ‘location based’ is becoming more and more of a big thing, the question what we can actually do
Verder lezenNow that ‘location based’ is becoming more and more of a big thing, the question what we can actually do
Verder lezenAs you might know I have a column in the Dutch radio program “Echte Jannen”. With the start of a
Verder lezenI had this excellent post by Tim Phillips on Research-Live bookmarked for quite some time, and actually there is not
Verder lezenWerken met WordPress op de Samsung Galaxy Tab.
Verder lezenIf you wondered about promoted tweets and how well they fare: they’re super effective. Or so says online brokerage firm
Verder lezenHeeft u de afgelopen tien jaar minder ge-internet? Minder websites bezocht, minder gedownload? Het antwoord op deze vraag is waarschijnlijk: ‘nee’.
Verder lezenMarket research bureau Multiscope will end Visiscan, its service that measures the reach of Dutch websites. Visiscan has been running
Verder lezenAt school you learned to write of course just making words but, at least here in Holland, also how to
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