Een veilige gebruikerservaring op public WiFi
Misschien omdat het toch wel zo lekker werkt zie je het steeds vaker: public WiFi, zelfs ook gratis. En inderdaad,
Verder lezenMisschien omdat het toch wel zo lekker werkt zie je het steeds vaker: public WiFi, zelfs ook gratis. En inderdaad,
Verder lezenI can definitely see the advantages of plain text emails. In fact I like these way better than, for example,
Verder lezenI’ve decided to experiment with adding the new facebook ‘like’ button to my articles and a like box to my home page. Here is how it works!
Verder lezenCompanies pooling together their panel efforts could mean an extra dimension to the research industry. And indeed; now several European research agencies have committed themselves to pooling their panels together and create a new fieldwork business called Panelteam.
Verder lezenBeyond standard browser statistics, there is more, way more and that is where thoughts of privacy come in to play. The Electronic Frontier Foundation has made a website to show a bit of what is possible.
Verder lezenTradition seems to play a big role in the research industry, which we claim to be a knowledge industry. What is there to it, can we solve this and what lies beyond traditional research?
Verder lezenEerlijk gezegd had ik al een tijd terug gewerkt aan een artikel over Google Internet Stats, dat niet direct goed
Verder lezenIt’s that time again; once every for years geeks from all over the globe come down to the Netherlands for
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