Research using the Social Web
Instead of traditional ways of doing online research, we might want to look for something new. Using “social media”, we can use the online conversation stream to find what we’re looking for.
Verder lezenInstead of traditional ways of doing online research, we might want to look for something new. Using “social media”, we can use the online conversation stream to find what we’re looking for.
Verder lezenCompanies pooling together their panel efforts could mean an extra dimension to the research industry. And indeed; now several European research agencies have committed themselves to pooling their panels together and create a new fieldwork business called Panelteam.
Verder lezenThe question do you deserve your following might sound a bit odd. After all, if it is a followerbase like on twitter that you have, people have the option to unfollow you once they feel mistreated. Nevertheless it is a good thing to stop and think about how you treat the people that follow you online.
Verder lezenBeyond standard browser statistics, there is more, way more and that is where thoughts of privacy come in to play. The Electronic Frontier Foundation has made a website to show a bit of what is possible.
Verder lezenIf one would name sharing, editing and redistributing content as the key to social media, a virtue of this new way of sharing and consuming content then one neglects the underlying question; why this ‘works’.
Verder lezenToday, the 25th of January is or was Community Manager Support Day. On every fourth day of January we try to look at our communities and those people who help support these or get involved in those communities out there.
Verder lezenTradition seems to play a big role in the research industry, which we claim to be a knowledge industry. What is there to it, can we solve this and what lies beyond traditional research?
Verder lezenI’m number 8 in the twitter top 40 and Levi Boitelle made a fanpage for me on facebook!
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