Social Network success in practice
I already wrote about the KOPTE model, that defines 5 basic factors that are of influence the success of your social network. I’ve tried to explain what each of the five points means and how this can work in practice. But how does it work in practice? What does it mean if you apply each of those five points to your (Social Network) organisation?
In my opinion, this model is very comprehensive, because it focuses on all the characteristics that require attention for creating a successful social network. After all, this model was designed to specifically suit a social media strategy.
It is nice to see that someone has actually done just that. (Based on a Dutch article I wrote about this model earlier this year.) In the professional case “Working open source”, the five point model I described is used to analyze the open source business model of ZXZW. (An annual festival in “celebration of independent culture”)
Author Barry goes through each of the five points, Knowledge, Original Content, Passion, Time and Environment to describe the organisation of the festival and analyze if there are points where they can improve their organisation.
Have a look at the article here (or here) and see for yourself how Barry analyses the festival and applies each of the points to the model of the organisation there. Also, quite interesting is how he touches upon different types of organisational culture and describes how the ZXZW festival fits in this model. I think this is a good example how you can define an organisation in the sense of a specific model to use the advantages of that particular model to analyze and fix certain aspects of your organisation.
He Gyurka,
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