Marktonderzoekers: Hoe stoppen we met ons steeds hetzelfde af te vragen?
“Wat kunnen we doen om te voorkomen dat we onszelf steeds hetzelfde afvragen?”, het lijkt een beetje een onduidelijke vraag,
Verder lezen“Wat kunnen we doen om te voorkomen dat we onszelf steeds hetzelfde afvragen?”, het lijkt een beetje een onduidelijke vraag,
Verder lezenI had this excellent post by Tim Phillips on Research-Live bookmarked for quite some time, and actually there is not
Verder lezenIt seems like the holy grail of online Market Research, something that must be really great, but no one can
Verder lezenThere is a new initiative by Harris Interactive where they’re asking you to connect your ‘social’ profiles to an engine that will analyze your actions in Facebook and/or Twitter. Is this the future of research?
Verder lezenInstead of traditional ways of doing online research, we might want to look for something new. Using “social media”, we can use the online conversation stream to find what we’re looking for.
Verder lezenCompanies pooling together their panel efforts could mean an extra dimension to the research industry. And indeed; now several European research agencies have committed themselves to pooling their panels together and create a new fieldwork business called Panelteam.
Verder lezenTradition seems to play a big role in the research industry, which we claim to be a knowledge industry. What is there to it, can we solve this and what lies beyond traditional research?
Verder lezenText-analytics on data present on the internet, in a way a sort of quantitative way of doing research that is
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