Presentations on Slideshare
For your (and my) convenience I have been working on my Social Media Success model. People have been asking if
Verder lezenFor your (and my) convenience I have been working on my Social Media Success model. People have been asking if
Verder lezenSome time ago I wrote about my model for success in Social Networks, and that it was in fact already
Verder lezenI already wrote about the KOPTE model, that defines 5 basic factors that are of influence the success of your
Verder lezenSo, let’s say you have started with “web 2.0” and the decision has been made to start with setting up
Verder lezenNatuurlijk worden er binnen en tussen Social Media netwerken berichten verstuurd. Maar hoe zit het nu met de daadwerkelijke communicatie,
Verder lezenSomething different, perhaps, than the usual article you’ll find about Twitter. I may have a lot to add to any
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