The biggest misconceptions about Social Media
Plain and simple: #1: It’s something online #2: It’s new
Verder lezenPlain and simple: #1: It’s something online #2: It’s new
Verder lezenThere is a new initiative by Harris Interactive where they’re asking you to connect your ‘social’ profiles to an engine that will analyze your actions in Facebook and/or Twitter. Is this the future of research?
Verder lezenThe internet meeting is starting to break through , maybe as early as this year. This development is not only fun and entertaining; it is also a good way to make contact with consumers, customers and business partners.
Verder lezenGuest Article: On 12th April 2010 Twitter announced its new business strategy to include promoted tweets in its organic search results. This new direction in collecting revenue from advertisers raised many questions among the online marketing community and avid Twitterers. Is Twitter not going to affect the user experience in the network by “polluting” the content with promotional tweets?
Verder lezenYou get together with long-time online friends, strangers and everyone in between, while others are still trying to grasp what this is really about. Enter Twittershizzle; an event by Tweeps, for other tweeps, with music, artists and fun and laughter it’s both the average get-together as well as networking, listening and performances all in one.
Verder lezenThe question do you deserve your following might sound a bit odd. After all, if it is a followerbase like on twitter that you have, people have the option to unfollow you once they feel mistreated. Nevertheless it is a good thing to stop and think about how you treat the people that follow you online.
Verder lezenIf one would name sharing, editing and redistributing content as the key to social media, a virtue of this new way of sharing and consuming content then one neglects the underlying question; why this ‘works’.
Verder lezenI’m number 8 in the twitter top 40 and Levi Boitelle made a fanpage for me on facebook!
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